Coping with Depression

Young woman looking depressed

Featured image by Ben Den Engelsen on Unsplash

Depression can happen to anyone

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, but how much do you really know about it? Understanding that depression can happen to anyone and does happen to one in twenty Australians is important. People suffering from depression still face stigma as others ‘blame’ them for being unwell or struggle to see why they don’t ‘just get over it’. It can be a sense of perpetual darkness or feeling numb, but may look and feel different for different sufferers.

Coping with depression can be difficult

From the outside, there may be no reason for the person’s ongoing sadness, but for them, it’s very real and hard to cope with. People suffering depression may lose interest in the world around them and become easily irritated and exhausted. These feelings affect the person’s everyday life and make them feel alone and isolated, even hopeless. Research shows that people with depression use language differently.

Adolescent male attending counselling for depressionOur counsellors can help you

You are not alone: speaking to someone is the first step to recovery.

Blissful Minds offers a safe space to discuss your feelings and can provide treatment strategies for you or your loved ones who need help coping with depression. If you are interested in learning more or booking in with one of our expert counsellors, please contact us.


If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harm to themselves or others, please contact emergency services on 000.

For immediate support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.