Learn to love yourself


Individual Counselling

The aim of individual counselling


Young man thinking about adult counsellingAre there times in your life when it feels like nothing is going right? Wave after wave of bad news hits you and you’re at your limit emotionally? The ways that you used to cope are just not working anymore and you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed.

According to Better Health, the aim of individual adult counselling is to help each individual get out of their “stuck place”. Whether you’re going through a particularly challenging time or you’ve been struggling emotionally for a long time, counselling is a resource to get you back on track. Adult counselling facilitates growth and development through the lens of empathy and perspective. Every individual brings with them their own life story. So, your counsellor will spend time getting to know you and how you function. From this deep understanding, the most meaningful progress can be made. You will work collaboratively with your counsellor to develop tools and strategies which are authentic and realistic to your life. At the same time, you will have the space to process and release the weight of your emotions with someone who truly listens and understands.

How can individual counselling help you?

 Here are some common areas where counselling can help:

Counselling = Empowering YOU

 Counselling is not about “fixing” or finding a magical cure. In fact, it’s about a deepening sense of awareness and healing which grows within an atmosphere of warmth, safety and positive regard. That healing then extends to your life outside of the counselling environment. In turn, this empowers you to reclaim a sense of fulfillment, comfort and control.

Your first individual counselling session

Young woman attending an adult counselling session with one of our therapists.The first individual counselling session is mostly an opportunity for your counsellor to get to know you a little. Your counsellor will make you feel comfortable to disclose what may be going on for you. You can feel confident that this is a pressure-free environment, with no “right-or-wrong”. This is simply a chance for you to spend some time really putting yourself first. It’s an opportunity to set therapeutic goals and discuss what you would like to get out of counselling.

At the end of the individual counselling session, you will leave having developed a strong therapeutic relationship with your counsellor. In addition, you will have a tool to motivate you and assist you to reach your therapeutic goals.

Let our counsellors empower you

This is where our expert counsellors come in. We all have our own coping mechanisms that come into play when life gets stressful or difficult. However, sometimes these mechanisms just aren’t enough and we need a professional to give us some guidance. If you are ready to take the next step, please contact us as we are waiting to work with you.